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GLEEB> spectacular #3
![]() ![]() ![]() Mike Nesmith
![]() By Mrs. Analee Huffaker, Mike's high school choir teacher
![]() Can you describe Mike as you remember him? (He continually tells us how "skinny and ugly" he was.)
![]() Mike was a "skinny" boy at sixteen but I did not think he was ugly. To me he had a rather wistful, pensive look which was distinctive and most attractive. His was a face I could not forget. I teach so many times that I have trouble learning their names when they first enter my class. Mike was an exception. I remembered him from the first day he entered my class.
![]() Was there a noticeable sign of his interest or particular talent in music?
![]() Yes. He signed up for choir his first year in our school and I placed him as a first tenor in our select concert choir. He loved to sing and had no difficulty learning his part from the first time through a number. Rhythms were never a problem for him and neither was intonation. He was what I term a natural musician blessed with a good ear and a keen sense of rhythm.
![]() How would you describe Mike--shy, awkward, quiet, loud?
![]() I often felt that Mike was innately shy but covered this shyness with witticism and a bid for attention. He was never boisterous or loud but he could cause other to be so by his quips and antics which were always done subtly. He wanted to be the center of attraction. I can recall the many times I reminded him to quit "acting the monkey" and today he is a "Monkee" as a profession. This is very logical!
![]() What was your first impression of him?
![]() He impressed me from the first. I realized I had a student of musical ability. He loved to sing and loved sharing a musical experience with others whether it was in class with his peers or singing for an audience. He was a boy with a unique personality but a challenge. I always like that if there is talent to develop. I felt Mike was such a person.
![]() How did he do in your class scholastically?
![]() Technical things never seemed to interest him too much. He learned by ear so quickly that he never seriously tried to sightread music. The main work in a choir is building repertoire, therefore Mike was an A student in this field. He had a keen sense of the verbal and musical nuance required for a piece. Memorizing was never a problem for him and he could get correct inerpretation whether our study was folk music or one of the highest art forms. He had a fine feel for the poetic as well as the musical.
![]() Did he get along with his peers? Did he hve a large circle of friends thatyou were aware of?
![]() Mike got along well with his peers. He entertained them so they loved him for it. I don't recall if he had a large circle of personal friends. I believe Gary Hamilton was rather close to him. It just seemed that all were his friends. I don't even recall that he had a special girl friend. He would give cast parties after a musical which were well attended so I assume some were close personal friends.
![]() Do you remember ever having to discipline him?
![]() Yes. I frequently had to stop his "attention getting" so that I could have the attention and proceed with the class work. I never recall his walking out of class but I remember at the end of his senior year I had to discipline him rather severely and I sent him from the class. This, however, did not destroy out fine rapport for after graduation he came back to visit our choir and give them "pep" talks as well as writing us many fine letters.
![]() Was there any indication that he was specifically talented or gifted in any other field?
![]() Yes, he showed a definite talent in dramatics and especially in comedy.
![]() Do you watch the Monkees on TV? If so, do you like the show?
![]() Yes, every Monday night. So do all my students. My grandchildren--Donna, 8; David, 13; and Jim, 16; all think it an entertaining program. They have a personal interest too as they knew Mike personally. They played children's parts in "The King and I" and Mike was in the cast and also visited our home.
![]() Do you remember any incidents (funny or otherwise) which happened in your classroom or on the campus involving Mike?
![]() I don't recall any special incidents as it seems that each day had its own incident that wuld evoke the amusement and laughter of our group. Everything he did and said was funny to his classmates. When he was cast as Andrew Carnes, the father of Ado Annie in "Oklahoma" he would give a new interpretation to the part of each rehearsal which always broke up the rest of the cast. On the night of the actual production he did a splendid interpretation of the part.
![]() Did you remember Mike as a student when you first saw him on the Monkees?
![]() Certainly. I would never forget him and besides I was looking forward to the show as I knew he was to be in it.
![]() Are there any other incident you can recall that would be of interest?
![]() I think of no specific incidents but these excerps from letters to the choid and I recieved personally from him might give you a greater insight into the real Mike and the reason why we all loved him and still do:
![]() "Aside from the musical prowess you now possess, what I am most impressed with is the music within your hearts. When I came to hear you sing, I did more than hear you sing--I felt you sing. This thrilled me more than you will ever know. Keep that same warmth and feeling for music you now have for never again will you be in a position to gain it as you now are."
![]() Another letter from the base when he was lonesome and reminiscing headed "An open letter to Huffy" (this was my nickname to the choir).
![]() ". . . as I lay here in bed propped up with my writing board on my lap, I can sense the peace of the world outside. Night has fallen and the people can rest from their day of work. Soon another dawn will burst forth across the moving sky and herald the approach of a new day--for some another chance and some a new life. Yet for few a darn is just like any other day; for a few a dawn is just like any other part of the day, for a few it holds nothing but strife and hatred from yesterday to be dealt with for another 12 hours.
![]() "The dawn means different things to different people but my dawn was you, Mrs. Huffaker, and what a wonderfully joyous burst of light that was. You taught me to sing, sing from my heart and soul, for you have known for so long as many of us have learned, that music brings each man closer to his God than any other human action. You taught us that to love our fellow man is not something that is done only for personal gain or for creating the goodwill of others towards us, but that it is a foundation upon which we may build a lifetime of happiness.
![]() "The spirit with which you taught us to sing is the spirit with which we will lead the rest of our lives. This is why you are my dawn, Mrs. Huffaker. That is why I suppose I think of you as I do--and that is why you have the best dern concert choir in the city of Dallas!"
![]() This was typically Mike--giving you a glimpse of his inner thoughts and then ending with a flippancy.
![]() [at this point, there's the Monkee letters section and an extremely long-winded one sentence Q & A with Davy's friend, Eric Kay. If you'd like either of these sections, I can type 'em up, but I'm not now.]
![]() Mike's House
![]() By David Price
![]() David lived with Mike and Phyllis for several months and knows everything about the house so many fans around the world would love to visit. Here, in the official MONKEE SPECTACULAR, David takes you along with him for a detailed fun-filled experience.
![]() Mike's house is located way up about Sunset at the end of a particularly long, steep hill and one night when Davy and I were living there, we found out just how steep it was. We had gone out to a club and decided to leave before everyone else wanted to go, so we decided to walk home. We walked along for hours and hours and hours and when we got to Mike's we just collapsed on the front steps. As you can tell, it's a long way to the Spanish house with the red tile roof and the big oak door with the peephole that Mike calls home.
![]() Double Chimes
![]() When you get to the house, you ring the doorbell and complete confusion breaks out inside, because the doorbell and the phone are chimes. Someone is always opening the door when the phone rings and answering the phone when the doorbell sounds. Once everyone makes up their minds about which chime is which and lets you inside, you have to tiptoe across the entrance hall floor or take your shoes off.
![]() The Entrance Hall has a black and white checkered floor and when we used to come in, Phyllis would get mad because there would suddenly be black marks on the white squares. We finally learned to tiptoe across the hall, because Phyllis is a demon housekeeper and used to clean and wax that floor every other day. Some of use used to try and leap over the squares unsuccessfully, and then there'd really be a scene. Eventually we all learned to go into the house through the back way and avoid hassles with Phyllis about her floor.
![]() Great Housekeeper
![]() In fact Phyllis is such a great housekeeper that she refuses to have anyone in the house when she's cleaning. So every other day we would all have to try and find something else to do. Christian would lay low in his room playing with his toys all day. Spotte, Mike's dog, would go out to the backyard and dig caverns in the ground, huge caverns. That backyard is Spotte's territory. The rest of us would either find something else to do away from the house or go out and walk all over up and down all the caverns Spotte had made. We usually tried to go somewhere else.
![]() more to come soon. you have no idea how long these things take to type! really, those last 2 1/2 stories have taken me about 2 hours.. and i'm a fast typist. anyway, that's not the whole story on Mike's house, but you'll just have to wait. hehe..
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